For breakfast yesterday morning we stopped at Panera for coffee a some of these spinach and artichoke souffles. They are about 2 bucks and they are only served until 10:30 (but they're good for an hour, so you might be able to grab one from the last batch for an early lunch). This is how Panera describes them:
"Eggs, spinach, Romano cheese, red peppers and artichoke hearts, lightly flavored with a dash of Tabasco®, a hint of garlic and a squeeze of lemon juice, baked in sweet French pastry dough and topped with Asiago cheese."
So for once the food lives up to the marketing copy, and for fast food especially, they're a revelation: flaky pastry, soft custard-y eggs, and good fillings. My only knock might be that they are a little small for one to be a meal, but 1 and a half is just right. Bring a friend. Bring a pedometer too, because each one has 30 grams of fat - more than a paczki. I don't care myself, but in the interest of disclosure that seems like kind of a lot. Since most of readers only get up before 11 about once a week, it probably won't be life-threatening.

Isn't this cool? When you put us in the same shirt it's like baby camouflage.
Aww...baby camouflage...how cute is that?
Where is NOAH??? WHERE IS HE?????
Oh yeah, and those souffles look divine...one of my life goals is to be able to create the perfect souffle.
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