Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Oh My Gosh My Friends..... I Have Kind of Failed You and Your Comments.......... :(

Dear most incredibly valued and LOVED How Bourgeois readers, after two readers let me know that they left comments on the blog yesterday, and I could not find them, I began investigating all of the settings on my site. After a while, I was SHOCKED to find that for some reason, MY BLOG JUST STOPPED NOTIFYING ME OF NEW COMMENTS!!!! Oddly, I have been receiving the odd notification here and there, but since about.... August, I have not been notified of almost all of your comments! I am so INCREDIBLY SORRY to you. I can only imagine how much time and thought all of you have put into these nice comments. Once I receive notification, then I go ahead and publish them, so that it is why your comments have not been showing up. At any rate, after searching around my settings, I came to find OVER ONE HUNDRED NEW COMMENTS!!!!!    I am filled with joy JOY from your words, but just very sorry and sad that I can not reply to each of you, which is something I try to do under normal circumstances! Please accept my sincere apology and know how grateful I am for ALL of your words. Even if I can not personally reply this time around, I will definitely take time to read everything. Thank you my friends! I will be SURE to fix this bloggy problem and will manually check for comments from now on. Thank from heart! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, Lauren    

P.S. I began reading your comments when I thought there were only a few, but had to stop to post this when I realized there were over a hundred! But....I did receive a comment from Maureen asking some questions about how I went about growing out my gray. Things like, did I cut my hair short or not. For Maureen and anyone else who might be looking for more information, for the time being, please visit the How Bourgeois page called "Going Gray? HOORAY!" . Here you will find a list of all of my gray hair related posts at the bottom of the page. I hope this will help! 


Jenn said...

Lauren, you are such a ray of light! :) Thanks for sharing, and you are most certainly NOT a failure - Technology happens!!

Lauren said...

Hiya Jenn!

Thank you , thank you for understanding. I was shocked! There were about 150 comments just waiting for me to find them! Yikes! :)