Help! I'm being forced to sit. This is one of the most difficult things for me. I'm a "doer", I need to be "doing", otherwise I go nuts! You can't understand it unless you are also a "doer". The majority of the time, sitting down to watch TV or reading a book without simultaneously doing something else just feels like a waste. It stresses me. I actually RELAX by getting things done. Need some ironing? It helps me to unwind.
So I'm sitting here in my basement and there is so much to get done, but I'm not sure if I should leave Noah down here alone. I've kept him home from school today,he has a runny nose that's turned yellow and I sensed, this was one of those days that he would just prefer to stay in pajamas and relax. There is so much to get done though,a few loads of laundry and some house cleaning, lunch needs to be made. I need a shower which also includes, I hate to admit, a half hour of hair drying, straightening and make-up. On top of that, Noah has his two year pediatrician's appointment this afternoon, so I must get Noah fed, cleaned and napped for that, and pack a bag full of toys as distractions, as we always end up waiting in the exam room a very long time. On top of everything, if Noah feels well enough, we have an exciting event to go to this evening. (I'll tell you about it later if we do end up going) I'm so excited because the Junipers and maybe the Suburban Bliss's will be there also. What this all means, is that at lightening speed, I must race home from Noah's appointment, get dinner on the table, have Noah fed and cleaned, dressed and ready, another bag stocked with diapers, sippy cup and other odds and ends. Then I must get myself dressed, ready to go and hope that Jon gets out of work on time. It's going to be a long day.
Yet here I am, sitting on the couch in the basement,when I should be doing a million things. I went down to start the first load of laundry and poor Noah, poor sick Noah, begged and pleaded to go down with me to play. We don't frequent our chilly,dark basement too often, so the toys down there are almost like new each time he pays them a visit. It's exciting for him. I asked Noah to play upstairs this morning so I could get things done. He was intent on going down the basement though. I then begged and pleaded and pulled out exciting toys put away in an upstairs closet. Nothing worked and his sad, little runny nose broke my heart, so I took him down.
He's having fun, actually seems to be forgetting his nose, but the clock is ticking and I need to get a move on. One thing that I heard time and time again while pregnant was that becoming a parent means letting go of control. They said I can't expect my house to always be neat and tidy or plans to go the way I had planned them. I think this is true, but it's hard to let go.
I suppose we might get to the doctor's with messy hair or unironed clothes or only one load of laundry will be finished. I'd hate this, but maybe there isn't enough time to viably be ready and get to tonight's "event". I thoroughly despise "play-it-by-ear". Yuck.
Job number one is to be Mom, so that's what I'm doing. Protecting Noah from the scary spiders down here, the random too small lego pieces hidden around this room. Just, if you see me later today, don't comment on my bad hair, it's hard enough to be stuck here in one room.
Girl, your basement looks GREAT! And you are right, kids throw everyone's schedule off. But, it is okay. They are only little once. Enjoy them while they are cute and small, because when they are cute and bigger, they talk back - and it beats anything a 2 year old can come up with (except a 2 year old with an older brother - bah).
I love your basement. And your hair, no matter what it looks like.
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