I think I've given more ink to avocados on these pages than any other fruit. And why not? It's summer, the season's in full swing, and even bad grocery stores have good avocados right now. There's no reason to hold back. It's important to eat lots of these, especially in guacamole as pictured above. I mashed this up yesterday for our office's early July 4 party.
i've never quite acquired a taste for guacamole, although I like avocados. I dated a mexican guy once, though, who LOVED the stuff. He actually would spread it on bread and make a sandwich. Strange, I know.
Sure, me too. It's great on toast as well. In NY I found that an avocado melt sandwich with melted Brie is phenomenal.
Seeing as I live four blocks south of Avocado Street (I love California), I guess I'm at Guacamole Ground Zero. Rest assured the patriots of Los Angeles will be munching on tons of guac this Indepenence Day.
Guac is really popular out here so you can find avocados just about everywhere. The best that I've found were at a local mom & pop market and then, at Whole Foods. Ben can make a killer guac as can my soon to be sis-in-law. I wonder if there's a guac making contest somewhere?
Lauren, I have just recently joined the ranks as an Apple owner. What can I say, I'm in love! :)
Yeah Laura!
Go team Mac!!!! :)
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