Ahoy! Guess who tried fish sticks tonight? They're a hit, too!
I had forgotten how great fish sticks are, and so Noah and I chowed down on a couple dozen tonight. I think he had 4, and I ate more than I care to count. I feel bad about depleting our over-fished briny treasures, but that crispy breading!! What can you do....
Fish Sticks
Are those Gorton's? Man, they sure look a lot meatier than the generic brand I buy here!
Judy, I think they are Target brand. I'd ask Jon right now but he's alseep. I'll get back to ya....
Sorry, I passed out from too much fish. They are from Target (about $2.40 for 44 F/S), but for some reason target.com has no info about fish sticks - a lost opportunity. Gorton's has a lot of info on fish, go figure.
Target's sticks are mostly pollack, not certain if Gorton's are cod, haddock etc. I hope not cod, which are way depleted - you can read more about that in Mark Kurlansky's amazing book "Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World."
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