Thursday, March 22, 2007

John Salley's Slam Dunk Guacamole

I posted my guacamole recipe the other day in honor of the arrival of decent Avocados. Today, I received my California Avocado Commision newsletter, and they published a recipe for former Piston Bad Boy "John Salley's Slam Dunk Guacamole."

Clearly, John and I differ on some key elements of making guacamole. I'm a purist. Good avocados, and the right proportions of salt, pepper, cayenne, lime juice. Maybe a diced tomato. Mash it together. That's it.

John Salley thinks guacamole needs roasted corn, red onions, garlic, and some other stuff. It might taste good (it probably does), but those strong ingredients are going to obscure the taste of the avocados.

I'm open-minded about this stuff though, so I will put it to John Salley directly:

Dear John Salley,

It was with great interest I read the recipe for John Salley's Slam Dunk Guacamole in the recent California Avocado Commision newsletter. As I noted in my blog "How Bourgeois" (no doubt you're a fan, thanks for reading), I think that the onions and garlic you add to your guacamole obscure the taste of the avocados.

Therefore, I am challenging you a to guacamole duel, mine versus yours, to be broadcast on "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" and judged by your colleagues on the program. To give you a reason to do this (like pride's not enough) foneGEAR will make a $1000 contribution to The Salley Foundation in the winner's name. You can't lose! Let me know what you think.



1 comment:

George said...

Jon, I hope you head the FoneGear Funds Appropriations Committee.
1k huh? That's mighty bold. But then again, you can't get that kind of publicity with $1,000 anywhere.
Gun slinging bravado or ingenious PR strategery.
I too am a Traditionalist...
Go Jon!!!