Saturday, August 06, 2005


220 Merrill
Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.

Today Jon, Noah and I took a walk around downtown Birmingham. Well, to be totally honest, we didn't really come to walk, that just happened after we came to pay off our library fines. To think! A son of a librarian and a former circulation desk employee with fines! SHAME on us! Anyway,Birmingham is really a nice place. It's my hometown, so I'll always have a place for it in my heart. Sure it's streets have become annoyingly crowded at times and yes, it does have a bit of a snobby feeling but. Wait, gosh, that is lame! Hmmm...I was going to say how much I love Birmingham but maybe the pretentiousness has just made me change my mind. Ok, I like Birmingham because it's pretty and safe and has lots to do.If you would like to see more Birmingham pictures from today click HERE and visit the official City of Birmingham site!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Aww, when I saw the picture of the Townsend Bakery, it made me miss that place and their delicious baked goods and lunch specials! :(
What?! No pictures of Baldwin? Shame, shame!