Sunday, October 12, 2008

Also would like to see......


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When we were living in San Francisco, you couldn't help but know who Harvey Milk was. A magnificently large, rainbow flag flew high above Harvey Milk Plaza, and then there was the Harvey Milk recreation center with it's vibrant mural. There is a Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy and a Harvey Milk branch of the San Francisco Public Library. Most recently, a bust was unveiled, set a top the staircase in City Hall. All of these tributes mark the life, the legacy, the gift of his bravery, that Harvey Milk gave to the LGBT community, and the lesson of basic human dignity and respect to the world.

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California. He fought and organized for several years until he won a seat on The San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. I won't give the rest, as not to spoil the movie, but say that this man's life story is one of hope and conviction that we should all know.

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