Tomorrow is Noah's birthday. He's going to be three. Three isn't a baby anymore. Two was stretching it, but when I'd say "he's two", it still sounded like a baby. But now, my little baby is going to be a big boy. It makes me feel sad. I don't know if we'll ever have another, so it's a little melancholy, the baby days are over.
That said, my big boy is one special guy. Everyday he says something new that makes me laugh or amazes me. Just this week we were quietly driving down the road when from the backseat he broke the silence by saying ever so sincerely; "Mom.... I think I love you." It melted my heart to hear those words and I naturally replied; "Noah, I think I love you too."
More to come on the big guy and his birthday shortly. Until then, Happy Birthday Noah, I love you too.
Happy Birthday big guy!! Hope it is fantastic.
Happy Birthday Noah! Indeed, you are a big boy now. Lots of fun times ahead. We hope you enjoy your birthday celebration.
*hugs* Laura, Caitlin & Cara
Happy big birthday, Noah! Have a wonderful weekend!
Your friend, Tyler, his mommy and his big brother (who is standing here and wants to know who that "kid" is on the computer!)
Happy Birthday Noah!
Have lots of fun being 3, you're really a big boy now!!!!
~ Aimee, Jeremy, Logan and Connor
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