Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New reading list

I'put my current summer reading in the sidebar, so I'm just posting the retired list to not lose it.

  • Insatiable: Tales from a Life of Delicious Excess
  • - Gael Greene's terrific memoir of eating (critically), travel and sex. A must read in a world of few must-reads.
  • Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping
  • - A woman's year without shopping. Given that she and her husband already owned an apartment in Brooklyn and a house in New Hampshire and a car to get between them, and lived in a city where you can go to a free play or a great library, it might not be the hardship you would expect. Enlightening anyway.
  • A Survival Guide to Selling a Home
  • - Decided to sit tight and wait out the lousy market, but good prep.
  • The Babbo Cookbook
  • - Terrific food, terrifically illustrated.


    Lauren said...

    Hey, what about "Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic"?


    I want to read it when you are done!


    Jonathan said...

    It's on my new list in the sidebar.