In an attempt to culture myself, I have decided to watch a fellini movie, "Satyricon" to be exact. A 1969 production of the ancient, first century Roman novel found only in pieces when discovered. Just as fragmented, the movie "Satyricon" is a fantastical journey into the indulgence and excess of man in this early society. While truly bizarre, with a weak plot and an achingly long running time, Satyricon has an absolutely amazing aesthetic element. Brilliant, ellaborate sets and costuming, a colorful explosion full of dramatic scenes depicting Roman cities, massive temples, the open sea and desert to name only a few. I liked what Roger Ebert said:
"It is so much more ambitious and audacious than most of what we see today that simply as a reckless gesture, it shames these timid times. Films like this are a reminder of how machine-made and limited recent product has become.."
It really is a sight to be seen and stands out artistically to anything made today.
So if you would like to see what it would be like to live as a total glutton;Eating, drinking, fighting and flirting, check out Fellini's Satyricon.
Fellini was a brilliant director, I've never seen this movie, but I would recommend watching the movie 8 1/2.
I remember one of my film teachers saying that Fellini used to shoot movies and the actors would improvise their lines, because he would just dub them in afterwards. Unusual guy, but totally brilliant filmmaker.
what about fucking?
Dude,our Grandmas read this blog. What's fucking? I didn't see any of that.
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