Monday, February 13, 2006


I am about to throw up from sheer excitment!
Hold on...I need to catch my breath....................................................................................
Melissa Summers of Blogging Baby (as you all know, one of my fav. sites) has picked up my post on going to Target with Toddlers!!!!!!!!!! It's going up around 6:00 tonight!!!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I just have to scream again!!! This is a dream come true!!! I'm wearing out my shift and exclimation point keys!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!
Please God, please help me get a job writing for some day. You guys don't even know, that is my dream. I'm so happy right now. If I could find a way to refine my writing skills and find some one to give me a chance....I would feel the much need "purpose" I've been searching for. Yes, being a Mommy is a grand purpose, but even Mommies need things outside of their Mommy world. Wow!!!!! This is just amazing!

* I'm sorry, something is going on right now and I can't insert hyper links so, here are two links: (updated)

and Melissa's own wonderful site and another personal favorite, Suburban Bliss (updated)


Judy said...

Lauren! That is fantastic! Promise me you won't forget us little people when you get all famous in blogland, okay??? with your sense of humor, though, you'll go beyond the blogosphere!

George said...

awesome!! L-Dawg will be the voice of all of us one day when she gets her much deserved column on blog-digest.
i'm happy for ya dude.