Sunday, December 25, 2005

Dude, you have awesome genographics!

This Christmas my parents were VERY kind and generous to us. Jon's gift was a kit to be part of the GENOGRAPHIC program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited, I can't even tell you! Remember I linked to this a while ago? You must take another look. You simply send in two vials with a cheek swab in it and in about a month, the research institute that is working with National Geographic will pin point your oldest common ancestor! We all know that the dawn of man was in Africa, but what branch of those original people did you come from? Did your ancestors migrate to Austrailia? The middle east? Asia? Wow, it's just amazing! My Mother sent her's in a while ago and since my genetic marker is the same as my Mom's since it is passed down by the maternal line, I will get my info soon. More on the Genographic program and results as they come. It's unbelieveable, the story of the human family.....

1 comment:

Judy said...

Wow, that's pretty cool!