Saturday, October 22, 2005

Noah Had a Great Day!

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
Playing at Nana's house.

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
Noah loves school!

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
Noah's favorite chair at Mom and Tot.

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
Noah seems to have trend going at school. He's always the last kid to finish up at snack time. As a matter of fact, for the last two classes, he's sat there eating straight through the end of class until everyone else has gone home! The guy just snacks away and gladly misses parachute and bubble time. Normally I'd wrap up snack time sooner, but since he has been on a hunger strike on and off recently, I'll gladly let him eat through any bubble blowing.


Laura said...

Where DO you find such adorable clothes for Noah? He always looks so cute and handsome at the same time. :)

Judy said...

I have loved looking at all your pictures tonight! Looks like Noah LOVES snack time! HAHA Who doesn't? I just love the retro pics, too...thanks for reposting a few of my favorites, too!