The front page says it all: no coupon needed, no purchase necessary. Just ask and you will receive a free Jr. Frosty. "While Supplies Last," of course, but when was the last time they ran out?
Remember, "limit one per customer."
Now, say you wanted to get your one free frosty, but you were not sure where to go? What if you were out travelling, far from your local Wendy's, where you could get your one free Frosty? This (convenient printable list) might help:
Oakland County click here
Detroit click here
East Side, here you g0
Can you mail me one? I haven't seen a Wendy's in about 2 years!
Yeah, we had a Wendy's about 6 miles from our last house back near Houston...moved about 2 years ago.
Well, well, well, my hubby just informed me that we DO have a Wendy's here in town, and not too far from here, but it isn't in a part of town that I go (obviously)...perhaps tomorrow will be a day for an adventure! And a frosty!
Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.
Okay, the junior frosties are a bit on the smallish side, I really wanted one about 20 times bigger, but hey, it was free and I really don't have much ground on which to stand with my complaint!
We're heading up to the nearby outlet mall - they recently opened a Wendy's that we completely forgot about until yesterday - dessert and shopping tomorrow!
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