Hi Silver Sisters, it's Lauren from September 2018! I have the most amazing update for you - my husband Jon and I have launched our very own hair care line! I have learned so much on my gray journey, and our new products incorporate all of my "tips and tricks" for making silver hair look terrific. I am leaving all prior recommendations in place because I hope that they will continue to be helpful to people, and I will continue to use and enjoy many of the products that I have written about in the past. My opinions still stand on them.
I hope that you will take a look at our new line By The Way, Your Hair Looks Fabulous!™ - it is a complete line of hair-care and styling products made especially for Silver Sisters AND for anyone who wants their hair care to be more natural and more affordable!
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I hope that you will take a look at our new line By The Way, Your Hair Looks Fabulous!™ - it is a complete line of hair-care and styling products made especially for Silver Sisters AND for anyone who wants their hair care to be more natural and more affordable!
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June 2011

Here comes the gray!

January 2012

Well on my way....

I really hate having my picture taken. It always makes me feel very self-conscious and insecure. When I see my photos,99% of the time the only thing that I notice are all of my different flaws. It makes me feel sad.
Today I needed a picture or two of myself for a project, so I had to force myself to take these.
One good thing, is that I've began trying to like myself more for who I am. For the real me. It takes acceptance, and a certain willingness to drop preconcieved ideas of beauty, which doesn't come easy. I'm never going to be taller than five feet tall. My body always goes right back to the very same weight as soon as I stop obsessively counting calories. And yes, I AM a 34 year old with LOTS of gray hair. (Who also happens to be allergic to a chemical called PPD, in 98% or hair dyes, even most organic ones!)
Buuuut....... the point is this: as I've come to terms with "This is me!", I've started to slowly get more comfortable in my own purple boots. I've always looked and acted and thought a bit different from most people, a little quirky. A quirkette. I'm getting more ok with that. Women, myself included, spend so much time worrying about the how we look to the world, but what matters the most in life and how you live it with those around you. (Your insides matter too of course, but we all already know that!)
Sure I'd love to be the best me that I can be, and I'm not in any way saying I should quit trying. What I'm purposely learning though, is to be a little more kind, a little more accepting, and a little more proud of good ole' goofy me. :)

I love the salt and pepper! Wear it proud, sister!
I do have to say that going gray has been the best thing for my drab hair. I enjoy it!
You, my dear, are fantabulously beautiful. Don't forget that.
I have always loved you, especially because of the quirkiness. I think this is what made we want to get to know you better all those years ago. I love you sweetie! xoxo
you are absolutely beautiful - inside and out. and i am totally jealous of the grey hair!
<3 Oh thank you you guys. Thank you so much! <3
i've just discovered your blog - you turned up in my Pinterest feed with you 'turning gray' hair. Gotta say, i love it! i've been following a gal on pinterest who's been pinning ladies with gray hair. I've decided to stop colouring my hair - I just can't be bothered and like you, I want to aspire to be the best me I can be...not the best me that society tells me I should be which includes colouring my hair. As a somewhat youthful looking 47 yr old i feel okay with my dark, long hair turning silver. It's most noticeable when i wear a pony-tail and least noticeable when i wear it down. Either way, I want healthy looking long hair no matter the colour. LOVE your blog!
Hi Suzi!!!
It's so nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping to say "hello"!
It takes a lot of courage to stand up to societal norms. I applause you for doing what is right for you. I'm sure your silver stands look beautiful!
I do love that my hair is now much healthier. That is a great perk!
I hope you enjoy the new you as your gray grows out. Thank you for the nice comment!
Lauren :)
Hi Lauren,
I am 43 and about 20 percent gray and I have been feeling shy to show my gray because I am afraid that I will look old and unattractive. I feel very inspired by your blog however and I think that you look just beautiful with it. Thank you so much for your advice and your honesty!
Hi Lauren,
I was just reading the blog where you were talking about your hair parting and it is normal for hair to break around the parting if you have parted it there for years... My hair dresser changed mine for this very reason. And guess what? It doesn't matter what colour the hairs are... Anyway you are an inspiration and you look beautiful. Thank you helping to give me the courage to grow out mine.
I have always told people that when i do get gray hair that i will not dye it, ill just rock it! they never believe me! I cant wait to prove them wrong and rock my gray hair! Your amazing by the way Im so glad someone else is doing this already. I am a christian and in our Bible it says that God gives us gray hair as a crown to show how much wisdom we have and I believe that! Keep doin what your doin and maybe some people will discover the freedom they have from the expensive hair dies.
Hi Jessica! \(^-^)/
Thank you for your inspiring and kind comment. I'm so glad that you're here and I'm excited for you to rock your gray too!
How beautiful, a crown of silver. I don't know how much wisdom I have yet, but I shall take this gray as an honor! :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for stopping by to write!
happy to have found this blog!!
I have a skunk stripe.
a humungous skunk….
so humungous he should have it's own zip code.
and name. I call him Pepe {think pepe le peu from bugs bunny}…if Im gonna have a skunk on my head, he may as well have a cool accent
I had no idea about the temporary color sticks…We have a *thing* for my spouse's work next week and I was worried that I'd look like a hot mess, so this gives me a teeny bit of relief..I'm going to look for some this week!
I am about 10 weeks, in to my process of letting my silver shine thru.
sounds glorious doesnt it…? wish it looked as sparkly.
I loved reading everyone's stories..it gives me hope for the next couple of months. I will go the pixie, route soon and then breath a sigh of releif.
WHY have I allowed myself to waste so much energy on hair?
My daughter is 21 and is about 35% grey and stopped dying her hair about a year ago..She's had a lot of compliments and a couple of really horrible comments. An older gent asked her if she was *letting herself go*……{he was 5'3 and about 300 pounds and BALD}.
Anybody have some good come-backs to unfeeling comments? something I can say with a smile ;)
Thank you, everyone!!
I look forward to reading and feeling supported
Posted by the opposite of left at 11:04 AM
Hi Cindy!!!! \(^-^)/
It's so nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by.
I ADORE the name of your "skunk stripe." Pepe! That's the best! Oui Oui! Tres belle! ;)
That's just a perfect. nickname Enjoy Pepe while you can. The "skunk" won't stick around forever....
Yes! Those hair color "root crayons" are pretty great! There are many on the market at beauty supply stores. Some are more waxy like crayons, some more like mascara. I also used a powder spray that was like a dry shampoo but brown to match the rest of my hair. It's by Bumble and Bumble and comes in several hair colors. You might like it. I used that with my root crayon when I had to attend a wedding but had a 3" Pepe. :)
Ah, I wish I had some good comebacks or replies to rude comments. I'm sorry that your daughter received some. :(
I never knew what to say. The best comeback though is growing your gray out and looking great and proving them wrong! :)
Thank you so much for writing and welcome! Welcome!
Lauren :)
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