Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hayashi Rice, Revisited

Sunday night we had Intern Paul over for dinner, and I made Hayashi Rice again. This time I stretched it a bit by adding carrots, russet potatoes and white button mushrooms to the beef and onion that you start with.

It's always good, but this time it was especially wonderful. I pre-cooked the carrots and potatoes so that they would not absorb all of the cooking water for the sauce mix, and the whole mixture simmered for a long time. I think that the flavors really had a chance to come together because someone forgot to turn on the rice cooker, which turned out to be an advantage.

I wonder if people view Hayashi Rice sauce mix and the other S & B curries as sort of a Japanese 'Hamburger Helper,' quick food for when you can't make a real dinner. The food so good though, and the prep is substantial, so I think the mix is really more of a seasoning and thickening agent than an actual 'meal kit.'

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