Friday, October 21, 2005

Ha! Take That Lady!

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
A few weeks ago Noah and I went into a children's shoe store to get an idea of what kind of shoe he would need. They had long benches to sit on and lots of nooks with mirrors and toys for the kids to play in. The sales woman came up to measure Noah's foot. After that she said how old is he and I said ten months. Then she asked if he was crawling, cruising, walking and could he stand. I said "Yes, he can stand very well, he cruises". Then the woman picked up Noah and tried to make him stand while holding onto the bench, thus seeing that he could cruise. Right away Noah let go and fell to the ground and tried to head for the toy nook. The sales woman tried again and as my ever persistant son is, Noah did the stop, drop and roll. "Oh, he's not standing very well. Don't make your Mommy out to be a liar"! Said the sales woman to Noah. I was so angry at her. HELLO! I'm not that type of parent. I said to her "I swear my son can stand and cruise, he's been standing since six weeks. She just looked at me like .."sure he did..." Well, HA! Lady! Here's a pic dated from when Noah was 6 weeks old. The kid wouldn't sit on our laps, he stood. Nay nay lady.

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