Monday, August 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
Well, I'm not sure if I told you, but for the last month or so Jon and I have become acustomed to the VERY loud cries for help coming from Noah's room. He figured out how to stand up but not get down. After standing around for 15 minutes or so, Noah decides he's pissed that he doesn't have a reverse gear. That's when we come to the rescue. Well, the game just got a little more complicated because now Noah has another position that he becomes stuck in. This is it, feet through the bars. When I heard the familiar, shrill cry, I thought for sure he'd great me with a smile standing at the end of his crib. No, he was sitting there looking like inmate. I think Noah will figure out how to get out of this one soon, in the meantime, anyone have ear plugs?

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