Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's Official!

Originally uploaded by How Bourgeois.
It's official! I am now really and truly a housewife!
Yep, that's right, my first invite to a Tupperware party came in the mail today. That's an odd feeling. It's like one minute, well like one year ago I was all young and hip and now for fun I go to parties where we talk about plastic containers that hold meatloaf left overs. I'd like to go to see my friend Sherry but I really don't need any Tupperware at the moment. How slightly depressing......ugh.....


Jonathan said...

Could you make meatloaf anyway? We'll just finish it all at once.

Judy said...

Just FYI as my SIL is a Tupperware gal (no parties, just orders) - they have TONS more than just standard containers - they have that cool shape sorter, they have little lunch boxy type things, sippy cups, kiddie eaty things...I really like their stuff, and now that Tyler's around, I'm finding more and more things that we can use, especially with him!