Sunday, January 16, 2005

How we spent our time instead

So what did we do, you ask, while we were out not driving cars? My parents were already at our house watching Noah, so we went to Westborn Market, the produce market in Royal Oak. Still no good tomatoes, but we did get excellent citrus including some tangerines, navel oranges, and white grapefruit. Lauren purchased some leaf leetuce for the guinea pig ($1.99/lb) and some beautiful asparagus. We also obtained a wheat bread from a brick oven made from untreated wheat flour for $2.29 - a pretty nice price for a good bread. The best part? Red peppers were on sale for $1.49/lb! That is unheard of so I loaded us up.

I did gamble on two Mexican avocados, which are a really vivid green and sort of small. They are not Haas, and they were unlabeled as to variety. They were $.99 each so if they are nothing special I won't be devastated.

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